Retail Outlet


Our shop and deli can be found at 394 Zeb Robinson Road in Henderson, NC, easily accessible from Interstate 85, halfway between Durham, NC and Petersburg, VA. Visit us when passing through!

Frequently asked questions

Larry Monahan perfected a process that involved soaking peanuts in hot

water before dropping them in hot oil. Some call this process “Blister Fried”.

We simply call it extra delicious!

No, peanuts grow in the ground similar to a potato. They are actually

legumes and not nuts.

We use what is known as the “Virginia” type peanut.  This type of peanut is considered the “gourmet” peanut variety. Virginia peanuts have larger kernels than the others. Because of their large size and premium characteristics, this variety is best suited for snacking instead of in peanut butter. This variety is grown mostly in Virginia and the Carolinas. The three other types of peanuts are Runner Peanuts, Spanish Peanuts, and Valencia Peanuts.

Our cans have a shelf life of 9 to 12 months. 

They sure are! Peanuts are naturally cholesterol free, they contain zero Trans-fats, are low in carbohydrates, and low in saturated fat. They are rich in good (unsaturated) fats, fiber and Vitamin E. Peanuts are an excellent source of iron, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium, and other nutrients; as well as a good source of protein and folic acid. Research has shown that peanut consumption contributes to a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Peanuts are an excellent source of resveratrol, best known for its occurrence in red wine. Research shows that resveratrol may protect against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and cancer by lowering cholesterol plaque and platelet accumulation in the arteries and by preventing the growth of damaged cells in the body. The average amount of resveratrol in one ounce of peanuts is about the same as 6 cups (or 2 pounds) of grapes.

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